Specialties of the Institute

P.M. Platonov Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Engineering, Automation, Robotics, and Computer Programming combines two direction: “Automation and Robotics” (A&R) and “Computer Engineering, Programming, and Cybersecurity” (CEPC).


Automation and Robotics Direction provides bachelor’s and master’s training in two specialties:

  1. “Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies”

Educational programs:
Computer Systems and Software Engineering in Automation;

Artificial Intelligence and Automation of Robotic Systems.


  1. “Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Electromechanics”

Educational programs:
Intellectually Controlled Electromechanical Systems.


Training is provided in both full-time and part-time formats, on a state-funded and contract basis. For graduates of colleges and technical schools in all specialties, bachelor’s training is provided through shortened programs in both full-time and part-time formats. The graduating departments of Automation of Technological Processes and Robotic Systems (ATPRS) and Electromechanics and Mechatronics (EMM) are among the leading and oldest in the post-Soviet space, with a long history and a reputation in the scientific world. The direction teaching staff, who ensure the educational process, consists of highly qualified specialists engaged in current scientific developments and constantly improving their qualifications at leading industrial enterprises. The curricula are supplemented every year with new disciplines that reflect current trends in science and technology. The material and technical base is continuously updated with modern software, technical tools, and the latest equipment, which allows us to provide our students with only the most up-to-date knowledge. Special attention at the direction is given to cooperation with industry since the preparation of qualified specialists in the faculty’s directions and specialties is impossible without proper practical training. The departments of the direction have connections with many enterprises and companies both in Ukraine and abroad. At a number of industrial enterprises, there are branches of our departments.

Permanent partners of our departments include Nibulon, S-Engineering, Siemens, Eaton-Moeller, Camozzi, Festo, Phoenix Contact, Schneider Electric, Microsoft, DTEK, InterChem, and other reputable companies and individuals.

During the training in the specialty “Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies”, students study various production technologies, methods of their automation, metrology and measurement techniques, control theory and automation equipment, operating systems and environments, software applications and programming languages. They learn the basics of modeling, research and design, installation and commissioning, as well as the operation of automatic and automated information and control systems and their elements, including computer networks and automated workplaces for different levels of production management. They study methods and means of managing economics, management, accounting, and information support of production or enterprise, solving tasks to optimize the work of various departments and the enterprise as a whole. As part of the bachelor’s educational program “Artificial Intelligence and Automation of Robotic Systems,” students study, develop, and integrate robotics and devices with artificial intelligence into all spheres of human activity. At the disposal of students is the largest Mechatronics and Robotics laboratory in Ukraine and the largest FabLab in Europe, high-tech laboratories of metrology and technological measurements, electronics and microprocessor technology, theoretical foundations of control, microprocessor controllers and CAD, as well as a number of classical laboratories in the specialty.
During the training in the specialty “Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Electromechanics”, students study methods and means of automatic control and management of electric drives of technological equipment, electromechanical and mechatronic systems, electrical household appliances. They learn to program microprocessor technology in various-level languages, model, research, and operate modern electromechanical and electric power systems in industry, construction, transport, and households. Students have access to the latest high-tech laboratories of Digital Automation and Electric Drive Technologies, Computer-Integrated Control of Electric Drive, and a number of classical laboratories in the specialty.

Students of the A&R direction acquire serious engineering and computer training, which makes them leading specialists. Our graduates can be employed at any enterprises where the latest technologies of automation and control of technological processes are applied, in design organizations for developing automation, electric drive, and robotics systems, including in the system of urban and railway electric transport organization, on seagoing vessels, in banks and offices. Our regular partners providing employment for students include Siemens, Eaton (Moeller), S-Engineering, Nibulon, Myronivsky Hliboproduct, Odessa Port Plant, InterChem, and many others.




Direction of Computer Engineering, Programming, and Cybersecurity provides training of bachelors and masters in two specialties:

1. “Computer Science”

2. “Computer Engineering”


According to a study by the HeadHunter Ukraine portal, for several years, IT specialists have held the top position in the ranking of the most promising professions. This is a global trend resulting from the development of technologies and the growth of Internet users.

Who are IT specialists? They are system administrators, programmers, web designers, banner makers, information security specialists, testers, modelers, game developers, and many others who service the computer world. All of them, provided they have the appropriate qualifications and work experience, are in high demand in the global labor market. One of these professions (or several) you can acquire by enrolling in the direction of Computer Engineering, Programming, and Cybersecurity at ONTU.

Who knew yesterday about such essential specialists today as web developers, content managers, online store developers, information security specialists, software testers, mobile app developers, and 3D modelers? But their training is already provided for in the curricula of the CEPC direction of ONTU.

At the CEPC faculty, specialists are trained in the educational qualification levels of bachelor and master in two traditional IT specialties: “Computer Science,” “Computer Engineering”, and the following educational programs: “Information Management Systems and Technologies“, “Information Design Technologies“, “Game Development and Interactive Media in Virtual Reality“, “Network Technologies and the Internet of Things“.

Students who enroll in the “Computer Science” specialty learn to conduct a systematic analysis of subject areas, create mathematical models of objects and automation processes, design and develop application software and databases, apply tools for developing software systems, web technologies, distributed systems, and parallel computing, develop artificial intelligence systems, model in 3Ds Max and AutoCAD environments.

Graduates of the “Computer Engineering” specialty will be able to develop: IT hardware and software tools, computer systems and networks, their system software and databases, technical means of information protection, decision-making systems, diagnostic and testing systems, distributed and cluster computer systems, local, global and corporate computer networks, computer and mobile games, applications in virtual and augmented reality, models in 3Ds Max and Maya environments.

It should be noted that students of the direction study disciplines related to: programming (Assembler, Python, Java, C, C++, C#), system programming, game development (Unity 3D, 3Ds Max, Maya), web programming (PHP, HTML, MySQL, JavaScript, XML); computer systems, Wi-Fi, configuration and administration of network equipment, NGN networks; development and administration of databases (Oracle, MySQL); programming mobile devices for Android, iOS, Windows Phone; programming and setting up multimedia devices.

The computing center of the CEPC direction is one of the best and most powerful among all universities in Odesa. It occupies four floors of a separate building, with a total of 24 modern computer classes, each with 12 computers and Internet access. Moreover, in 2015, the university purchased a package from Microsoft IT Academy, allowing the installation of legal licensed operating systems Windows and other computer programs, and since 2015, the university has been able to provide each teacher and student with a free license key for using the Windows operating system.

All conditions are created at the direction for students who wish to receive a fundamental education in programming at a fairly high level; for this purpose, the “School of Competitive Programming” is open at the faculty.

The direction has always strived to be in line with advanced ideas in the field of information technology, and in 2015, due to the rapid development of 3D printers, a new training program “Computer 3D Graphics Technologies” was launched, 3D printers (“malyan desktop 3d printer” working on FDM technology) were purchased, and students are trained in the basics of 3D technologies. Our printers use ABS plastic or PLA plastic as working materials.

The CEPC direction regularly holds lectures and master classes by leading IT industry specialists aimed at transferring practical experience and expanding the horizons of students and teachers in the IT field. The lecturers are leading IT specialists of our city — system administrators, programmers, web designers, banner makers, information security specialists, testers, and game designers. Recently, specialists from such prestigious companies as Autodesk, DataArt, Looksery (Snapchat), PLS Logistics Services, UkrTelecom, Lohika Systems, iLogos, DIDWW, NetCracker, E42, Noosphere Ventures, Ubisoft, and others have spoken to the students.

Unemployment does not threaten our graduates because the main consumers of IT services in all countries are not only state and commercial companies and firms but also various financial organizations, telecommunication operators, and research institutions. Here is a far from complete list of workplaces in Ukraine for our recent graduates: AB Soft, Lohika Systems, NetCracker, Luxoft, DataArt, IDE Group, KHOYA Integration, PSOFT, Arka, Intersog, Odesa Railway Station, Tenet company, Epam Systems, Netpeak, Product Engine, NXC, Internet Agency NETPROFIT, Bank Pivdenny, Dals Games, and many others. The list of vacancies our graduates occupy includes Middle HTML-coder / web-designer, IT Support Department Head, QA engineer, C# programmer, Silverlight, PHP, Java Developer, SEO-master, Software engineer, programmer, web developer, game designer, and others.